Quality and Governance


The Governing Body at LCIBS plays an important role in the success, direction and oversight of the College. Our Governors are an essential part of the LCIBS family and are dedicated to the learning of our students, development of our staff and growth of the College as a whole.

The College is led by the Provost who reports to the Governing Body. The central management, guidance and coordination of the College’s activities, in conjunction with LCIBS’s Governing Body is provided by the Senior Steering Group, Academic Board and their sub committees.

The Academic Board is the ultimate academic authority of the Colleges key bodies.

Our Partners

LCIBS works with a range of local, regional and national businesses and providers to ensure we offer the best possible service and experience to our students.

As a college we place significant value in our partnerships with validating and accrediting bodies, all of whom have been carefully selected based on their academic excellence.

LCIBS works alongside a highly respected university that has the strength to make sure students graduate with a degree that is of value and relevant to both students and employers, now and in the future. Our University Partner has degree-awarding powers that is recognised by the UK authorities, together, we are committed to recruiting qualified students and providing them with the skills to advance professionally and make a positive difference in the world.

LCIBS’ review by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) carried out a review of LCIBS in October 2018. The review involved a thorough evaluation of LCIBS’ educational provision and confirmed that the academic standards and quality of provision meet UK expectations in all four areas of judgement:
  • Setting and maintaining academic standards
  • Providing quality student learning opportunities
  • Providing information
  • Enhancing the quality of students’ learning opportunities

Four recommendations were also identified in the report which can be viewed by downloading the report below:

In response to the review, LCIBS developed an action plan of ongoing activities which can be downloaded below:

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