Quality Assurance

Programme Validation and approval

The validation and approval process considers and approves the structure of programmes, aims and learning outcomes, content, modules, resourcing and assessment strategy.

Student Surveys

LCIBS participates in the National Students Survey (NSS) as well as operating internal surveys at modular level (Module Evaluation Questionnaires) and an annual programme survey. Further specific surveys are also conducted such as the New Joiner Survey (for new students) or other user surveys (e.g. services).

Programme Committees

All programmes or clusters of programmes have a Programme Committee. This committee includes student representatives. The Programme Committee provides a forum for the management of the Programmes and facilitates a voice for students in the management and development of LCIBS. External Examiners review and approve assessment briefs and examination papers as well as receiving samples of marked work to confirm the quality and consistency of marking. External Examiners return a report to which is formally responded to by LCIBS.

Peer Observation of Teaching

LCIBS has a mandatory peer observation of teaching process which ensures that the quality of teaching is maintained and enhanced through observation and the dissemination of good practice.

Annual Monitoring

At the end of each module, the Module Leader reviews the module and submits a Module Leader Report. These in turn inform, along with External Examiner reports, Programme Committee minutes and survey analysis, a Programme Annual Monitoring Report which identifies action to be taken to maintain standards or to disseminate good practice.

Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)

The QAA reports on how well each institution meets their responsibilities for assuring quality and standards, using processes of peer review. The QAA review involves an in-depth evaluation of the institution’s educational provision and results in a published report that makes judgments and recommendations about academic standards and quality, as well as highlighting good practice.

The most recent review was in 2018, an institutional audit. The findings of the review were published in a report in January 2019, View here.

Annual UK Quality Code Mapping

LCIBS annually maps the UK Quality Code to its processes and policies to ensure that it is continually aligned to the Code.

Annual Quality Assurance Report

The Head of Quality and Registry will annually provide a report to the Academic Board to provide assurance of all quality processes across the institution. This provides confirmation that the processes are working and fit for purpose and identifies any themes emerging across the College.

Quality Assurance Arrangements

Quality Assurance mechanisms are overseen and managed by the Registry under the direction of the Head of Quality and Registry supported by the Quality and Admissions Manager. The committee structure provides further oversight, approving policy and reviewing the results of quality assurance processes. The ultimate academic authority of the College is the Academic Board, to which the Teaching, Learning and Quality Committee, Admissions Committee and Programmes Committees report.

The Registry works with academic staff including Module and Programme Leaders as well as Heads of academic departments. Academically, the College is led by the Principal and CEO.